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【来源:bet365提现要多久 | 发布日期:2018-06-15 】     【选择字号:
        报  告 人:徐臣杰  教授
        报告题目:Micro/Nanotechnology for Treatment and Diagnosis of Abnormal Scar
        报告时间:2018 年 6 20 (星期三)9: 00
        报  告 人:刘珏文  教授
        报告题目:Nanozymes, DNAzymes, and Biointerfaces
        报告时间:2018 年 6 20 (星期三)10: 30
        报告地点:第二化学楼 101 学术报告厅
        徐臣杰博士于2002年本科毕业于南京大学,2009年在美国布朗大学获得博士学位。2009年6月至2012年7月分别在哈佛大学医学院附属布莱根女子医院和哈佛-麻省理工医疗科技学院做研究员。2012年8月至今,在新加坡南洋理工大学做助理教授。2018年4月至今,担任cluster leader of Environmental Chemistry and Materials Centre (ECMC), Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), 2013年入选第八批国家“千人计划”。迄今已在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Chem. Rev.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 等国际著名刊物发表论文90余篇,并申请十多项国际专利。担任“American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging”, “Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery”,“Theranostics”, “SLAS Technology”等杂志的编委,承担Nature Materials”, “NPG Asia Materials”, “Journal of the American Chemistry Society”, “Advanced Materials”, “Small”, “Nanoscale”等杂志的审稿人以及NMRC grant、SMART grant等基金的审委。
  Abnormal scars result from over-exuberant wound healing and cause significant pain, impair mobility, and psychological anguish. Current standard of care is inadequate and lack of acceptable therapeutics and diagnostics. Molecular diagnostics are favourable in identifying high-risk wounds before maturity. To date, abnormal scars are diagnosed through symptomatic and visual appearance. Molecular diagnostics provide clinicians with better information to make good clinical decision and early interventions, and to monitor the treatment progress. On the other hand, therapeutics are dissatisfactory due to: lack of efficacy, patient experiencing pain and involvement of healthcare personnel. Developing self-applied therapeutics minimizes healthcare personnel involvement and reduces overall healthcare burden. Dr. Chenjie Xu’s laboratory is dedicated to address these challenges by using the latest development in micro/nanotechnologies. In this talk, he will provide an update about their effort in technology development.
        刘珏文,加拿大滑铁卢大学化学系教授,博士生导师。2000年获得中国科技大学化学本科学位。2005年获美国伊利诺伊大学化学系博士学位。自2009年起受聘于加拿大滑铁卢大学。获得加拿大化学会Fred Beamish奖和McBryde奖章。近年来发表期刊研究论文共计220余篇,包括Chem. Rev. (2), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (21), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (8), Anal. Chem. (15), 引用数达17000余次。其中引用超过100次的有40篇。担任英国皇家化学会Analytical Methods杂志副主编。现主要从事核酸酶,纳米材料和软物质的分析化学,物理化学以及表面性质的研究。
  DNA is a programmable polyanion with strong affinity towards metal species. This talk will cover three aspects. 1) In vitro selection of metal-specific DNAzymes. Using various metal ions as cofactors, we isolated a suite of new DNAzymes that can selectively detect them. 2) The adsorption of DNA by various metal oxides, gold and carbon based materials were studied, and the conjugation of DNA to these surfaces has been explored. 3) The enzyme-mimicking catalytic of inorganic nanomaterials has been explored to engineer better nanozymes for analytical applications.