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陈建军 (副教授)☆

【来源:bet365提现要多久 | 发布日期:2016-12-07 】     【选择字号:
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陈建军,男,副教授,硕士生导师。20096月获兰州大学有机化学专业理学博士学位,导师高坤教授。20097月至今,在bet365提现要多久、功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室从事教学科研工作。20168月至20178月受国家留学基金委资助,在Scripps研究所Shen Ben教授课题组进行访学研究。



1. 药用植物的药效物质研究;




近年来,开展了橐吾、木里木香、臭椿、千里光、益母草、乌头等十余种药用植物的化学成分及其药理活性的较系统研究,从中分离鉴定了500余个天然产物,其中100多个为新结构化合物,5个为新型骨架结构化合物,它们分属萜类、生物碱类、糖苷类、和烯二炔类天然产物。发现活性化合物20余个。在国际著名SCI刊物Org. Lett., J. Nat. Prod., J. Med. Chem.,Eur. J. Med. Chem.,Tetrahedron等刊物发表论文30余篇。



1Chen, J. J.#;Rateb,M. E.#; Love, M. S.;Xu, Z.;Yang, D.; Zhu, X.;Huang, Y.; Zhao, L. X.; Jiang, Y.;Duan, Y.; McNamara, C. W.; Shen, B.*Herbicidins from Streptomyces sp. CB01388 Showing Anti-Cryptosporidium Activity. J. Nat. Prod., 2018, ASAP.

2Zeng, J.; Zhang, D. B.; Zhou, P. P.; Zhang, Q. L.; Zhao, L.; Chen, J. J.*; Gao, K.*Rauvomines A and B, Two Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids fromRauvolfiavomitoria.Org. Lett., 2017,19, 3998?4001.

3Yan, X.#; Chen, J. J.#; Adhikari, A.; Yang, D.; Crnovcic, I.; Wang, N.; Chang, C. Y.; Rader, C.; Shen, B.*Genome Mining of Micromonosporayangpuensis DSM 45577 as aProducer of an Anthraquinone-Fused Enediyne. Org. Lett. 2017,19, 6192?6195.

4Gobu, F. R.; Chen, J. J.*; Zeng, J.; Wei, W. J.; Wang, W. F.; Lin, C. J.; Gao, K.*Isolation, Structure Elucidition, and Immunosuppressive Activity ofDiterpenoids from Ligularia f ischeri. J. Nat. Prod.2017, 80, 2263?2268.

5Xu, Y. Z.; Gu, X. Y.; Peng, S. J.; Fang, J. G.; Zhang, Y. M.; Huang, D. J.;Chen, J. J.*; Gao, K.* Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel sesquiterpenemustards as potential anticancer agents. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2015, 94, 284?297.

6Chen, J. J.; Chen, C. J.; Yao, X. J.;Jin, X. J.; Gao K.*Eremophilane-Type Sesquiterpenoids with Diverse Skeletons fromLigulariasagitta. J. Nat. Prod.,2014, 77, 1329?1335.

7Chen, J. J.;Wei, H. B.; Xu, Y. Z.; Hu, S. C.;Gao K.*Senedensiscins A?F: six new eudesmanesesquiterpenoid glucosidesfrom Seneciodensiserratus. Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 10598?10603.

8Chen, J. J.;Wei, H. B.; Xu, Y. Z.; Zeng, J.; Gao K.*Antioxidant Lignans from the Roots ofVladimiriamuliensis.Planta Med., 2013, 79, 1470?1473.

9Zhao, D. G.; Chen, J. J.; Du, Y. R.; Ma, Y. Y.; Chen, Y. X.; Gao K.*; Hu, B. R. *Synthesis and Structure?Activity Relationships of N?Methyl-5,6,7-trimethoxylindoles as Novel Antimitotic and Vascular DisruptingAgents”. J. Med. Chem.,2013, 56, 1467?1477.

10Chen, J. J.;Li, W. X.; Gao K.*;Jin, X. J.; Yao, X. J.Absolute Structures of Monoterpenoids with a δ-Lactone-ContainingSkeleton from Ligulariahodgsonii. J. Nat. Prod.,2012, 75, 1184?1188.